July Plank Challenge

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Plank Challenge

1-month, Monday-Friday, plank guide working towards the ultimate 4-minute, 8-variation plank


THE GOAL - Work towards completion of the 4-minute plank completing 30 seconds of each variation continuously

Order of the 4-minute plank as done below

From left to right: Forearm Plank, Hand Plank, Forearm Side Plank, Hand Side Plank,

Forearm Side Plank, Hand Side Plank, Forearm Back Plank, Hand Back Plank

*If a progression is needed, any of the planks can be done on hands and knees (except the backside planks)


WEEK 1 ~

July 1-7

Monday: 30s forearm plank / rest 1 minute / 30s hand plank

Tuesday: 30s forearm side plank (each side) / rest 1 minute in between

Wednesday: 30s hand side plank (each side) / rest 1 minute in between

Thursday: 30s forearm back plank / rest 1 minute / 30s hand back plank

Friday: 1-minute forearm plank


WEEK 2 ~

July 8-14

Monday: 45s forearm plank / rest 1 minute / 45s hand plank

Tuesday: 45s forearm side plank (each side) / rest 1 minute in between

Wednesday: 45s hand side plank (each side) / rest 1 minute in between

Thursday: 45s forearm back plank / rest 1 minute / 45s hand back plank

Friday: 1-minute side hand plank (each side) / rest 1 minute in between


WEEK 3 ~

July 15-21

Monday: 30s forearm side plank (each side) / no rest

Tuesday: 30s hand side plank (each side) / no rest

Wednesday: 30s forearm back plank / no rest / 30s hand back plank

Thursday: 30s forearm plank / no rest / 30s hand plank

Friday: 1-minute hand plank / rest 30s / 1-minute hand back plank


WEEK 4 ~

July 22-28

Monday: 30s forearm plank / 30s forearm side plank (each side) / no rest

Tuesday: 30s hand plank / 30s hand plank (each side) / no rest

Wednesday: 30s forearm plank / 30s hand plank / 30s forearm back plank / 30s hand back plank

Thursday: 30s forearm plank / 30s hand plank / 30s forearm side plank (each side)

Friday: 30s hand plank / 30s side hand plank (each side) / 30s hand back plank


WEEK 5 ~

July 29-31

Monday: 30s forearm plank / 30s forearm side plank (each side) / 30’s forearm back plank / no rest

Tuesday: 30s hand plank / 30s hand side plank (each side) / 30’s hand back plank / no rest


30s forearm plank / 30s hand plank / 30s forearm side plank (each side) / 30s hand side plank (each side) / 30s forearm back plank / 30s hand back plank


Tell me about your progress!

~ Comment below

~ Tag @sammyberryman on Instagram

~ Hashtag #bodybyberryman on Facebook or Instagram